Change in Teaching and Learning. Reihe: Estonian Studies in Education Band 5..

von Mikk, Jaan, Marika Veisson and Piret Luik (eds.):

Mikk, Jaan, Marika Veisson and Piret Luik (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern: Lang, 2013.
Format / Einband
Originalhardcover. 105 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Contents: Meril Ümarik/Sirje Rekkor: Diversification of Students and Professional Roles of Vocational Teachers: Teachers’ Individual Approaches to Negotiate Work Identities – Anne Okas/Marieke van der Schaaf/Edgar Krull: Novice and Experienced Teachers’ Personal Practical Knowledge in Planning Lessons – Krista Uibu/Kristiina Tropp: Longitudinal Study of the Development of Language Competence among Estonian 4th and 5th Grade Students – Ülle Säälik/Antero Malin/Kari Nissinen: The Role of Learning Strategies in PISA 2009 in Estonia: Metacognitive Skillfulness Giving Readers a Head Start – Merle Kaldjärv: Differences in the Argumentation of the State Examination Compositions by Male and Female Students of Various School Types. - Several topics in contemporary educational research in Estonia have been covered in this collection. The professional identities of vocational teachers have been studied in relation to their new professional roles. Important differences in lesson planning have been found between novice and experienced teachers. A longitudinal study of the development of language competence revealed that it is important to provide students with tasks suited to their cognitive level. The metacognitive learning strategy summarizing alone explained 33% of the variation in the reading results of the 2009 PISA study between schools in Estonia. Student argumentation in state exam compositions showed differences on the basis of gender and school type. (Verlagstext) ISBN 9783631647950
Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen
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Change in Teaching and Learning.

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