Saints, Seaways and Settlements in the Celtic Lands.

von Bowen, E. G.:

Bowen, E. G.:
Verlag / Jahr
Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1969.
Format / Einband
Fadengehefteter Originalpappband mit Schutzumschlag. 245 S. + 15 Tafeln.
ca. 750 g
Aus dem Nachlass von Michael Richter. Mit Besitzvermerk auf Vorsatz. Umschlag deutlich berieben, vereinzelte Bleistiftanstreichungen, sonst gutes Exemplar. Mit Verfasserwidmung für Richter. - Inhalt: THE WESTERN SEAWAYS -- THE SEAWAYS AND CULTURE AREAS -- THE SAINTS AND THE SEAWAYS -- CULTURE AREAS IN THE AGE OF THE SAINTS -- IRELAND -- THE ISLE OF MAN -- BRITTANY - SETTLEMENTS. - Saints Seaways and Settlements in the Celtic Lands will be of the greatest interest not only to those who would know more about the beginnings of Christianity in the Celtic lands, but also to students of early Celtic history, etymology, hagiology, as well as to those interested in historical geography and cultural anthropology. (Verlagstext).
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EUR 50,00
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Saints, Seaways and Settlements in the Celtic Lands.

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