A Hittite Center northeast of Bogazköy. [Masat Höyük 2]. = Bogazköy'ün Kuzeydogusunda Bir Hitit Merkezi.

von Özgüç, Tahsin:

Özgüç, Tahsin:
Verlag / Jahr
Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1982.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalhalbleinen. 147 S., Tafeln, Faltkarte.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, langjährigem Leiter der Außenstelle Teheran des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Einband berieben. Text auch englisch. - The excavations at Masat Höyük have confirmed that this western part of the East Pontic zone, in spite of regional peculiarities, remained at all times connected with the central Anatolian cultural idiom. The local culture, on the strength of its architecture, its two kinds of writing, its representational art reflected in seals and rhyta, the geometric ornamentation of its monochrome and polychrome pottery, the style of animal representations and the living standard of its population, must be seen as a regional branch of the homogeneous culture developed in central Anatolia. Evidently, the development of high cultural levels was here favored by a wealth of mineral deposits, the agricultural potential of the land, ample forests, as well as easy connections to the West and South by land and sea routes.
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A Hittite Center northeast of Bogazköy. [Masat Höyük 2].

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