Supermodernism. Architecture in the age of globalization.

von Ibelings, Hans:

Ibelings, Hans:
Enlarged ed.
Verlag / Jahr
Rotterdam : NAi, 2002.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalbroschur. 160 S.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben. - I discern, even more clearly than five years ago, two strands in supermodernism. On the one hand there is a supermodern architectural aesthetic that is expressed in the work of Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron, Jean Nouvel, Toyo Ito and countless other contemporary designers. On the other hand, supermodernism refers to what might loosely be called contemporary transformations of the built environment, many of which serve to erode the sense of place. The supermodern aesthetic has opened my eyes to these all-pervasive phenomena. The first category comprises buildings of high architectural quality which, however neutral, generic and non-symbolic their design, are bound to stand out precisely because of their excellence and in so doing impart meaning to a place, even if that was not the intention The second category comprises structures which are so generic and commonplace that, despite the occasional attempt to suggest specificity by way of historical or geographical allusions, they could stand anywhere. They include the themed casinos of Las Vegas, shopping malls that simulate historical authenticity and holiday resorts that strive to present the illusion of unspoilt village life. The new final chapter focuses on one aspect of this second category of supermodernism: tourism, which not only distorts our sense of place but also affects the way we look at things - including the high-style architecture of today's super stars. ISBN 9789056622671
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Supermodernism. Architecture in the age of globalization.

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