Chemical Influences on Behavior. With 52 illustrations.

von Porter, Ruth and Joan Birch (Eds.).:

Porter, Ruth and Joan Birch (Eds.).:
Verlag / Jahr
London, J. & A. Churchill. 1970.,
Format / Einband
IX, 221 Seiten. Originalpappband (= Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 35).
ca. 550 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, papierbedingt gebräunt. - E. Bolland Chairman's opening remarks: Environmental chemicals and behaviour -- R. W. Brimblecombe, The use of animal tests to predict behavioural effects of chemicals on man -- A. P. Silverman, A laboratory model for behaviour as ar indicatoroftoxicity -- A. R. King,Behavioural sensitivity to drugs in the laboratory rat -- H. Harris, Heredity and environment as causes of disease -- R. E. Albert, Chronic central nervous system damage by environmental agents -- A. H. Beckett, Effects of drug-drug and drug-food interactions on drug levels and performance in man -- P. H. Venables Electrolytes and behaviour in man -- C. R. B. Joyce, L. Pan, D. D. Varonos Some effects of alcohol upon human co- operation: an experimental quantitative approach -- J. J. Cowley, D. R. Wise, Pheromones, growth and behaviour -- M. Horváth, E. Frankik Experimental biological models of neuro tropic and psychotropic effects of environmental chemical agents -- J. M. Barnes Occupational hazards and behaviour studies.
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Chemical Influences on Behavior. With 52 illustrations.

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