Behavior Pathology.

von Cameron, Norman und Ann Margaret:

Cameron, Norman und Ann Margaret:
Verlag / Jahr
Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1951.
Format / Einband
XVI, 645 S., Originalleinen.
ca. 550 g
Einband etwas berieben und bestossen, papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. - Behavior Pathology is not a partisan defense of any one-sided school, or other specialized approach to the abnormalities of human behavior. Above all it avoids in any form the dualistic approach to mental illness. Throughout, the authors discuss the behavior of the total human being as determined by his inherited biological make-up and especially as molded by his individual and unique social experience. In developing this biosocial point of view the authors never deny or attempt to explain away any facts concerning behavior or its determination which can be disclosed by objective or scientific means. As a result their consideration of the socially determined learning that has taken place during the individual's entire life is unusually comprehensive. Chapter by chapter there is a discussion of the close relationship between normal and pathological behavior and the steps which can be taken to insure the real diagnosis of and the wise therapy for individuals who display reactions which deviate from socially accepted norms. This means that the reader comes to see the pathological phenomena of behavior, be they serious or trivial, as dependent upon explanations which ultimately are not divorced from the scientific procedures which are basic to general modern medicine and to contemporary scientific psychology.
Verhaltenstörungen, Verhaltenstherapie
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