Symptoms of Psychopathology. A Handbook.

von Costello, Charles G. (Ed.):

Costello, Charles G. (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Wiley, 1970.
Format / Einband
679 S., Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.
ca. 1550 g
Umschlag berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar. - Here is a book -unique in its field -that calls upon the talents of the prominent leaders in the field to review the symptoms of psychopa-thology in both children and adults. The articles comprise a thorough comparison and evaluation of the current etiological theories and assessment and modification techniques. CONTENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS: Classification and Psychopathology (C. G. Costello). Culture and Symptoms (Ihsan Al-Issa). Part I: COGNITIVE AND PERCEPTUAL DISORDERS. Disorders of Thinking (R. W. Payne). Disorders of Memory (James Inglis). Disorders of Attention and Concentration (J. A. Easterbrook and C. G. Costello). Depersonalization (T. Weck-owicz). Part II: DISORDERS OF AFFECT. Depression: Assessment and Etiology (John A. Stern, James N. McClure, Jr., and C. G. Costello). Depression: Treatment (C. G. Costello and G. P. Belton). Anxiety (Barclay Martin and L. Alan Sroufe). Part III: DISORDERS OF BEHAVIOR. Phobias (V. Meyer and A. H. Crisp). Obsessions and Compulsions (M. D. Mather). Tics (Aubrey J. Yates). Stuttering (H. Gwynne Jones). Thumbsucking (P. O. Davisson). Enuresis (S. H. Lovi-bond and M. A. Coote). Hyperactivity (John S. Werry and Robert L. Sprague). Psychopathology of Sleep (Anthony Kales and Ralph J. Berger). Alcoholism (Cyril M. Franks). Aggression (Ervin Staub and Lane K. Conn). Drug Addiction (Ivan N. Mensh). Academic Under-achievement (William R. Morrow). Exhibitionism (David R. Evans). Homosexuality (Basil James). Part IV: PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS. Asthma (Kenneth Purcell and Jonathan H. Weiss). Headaches (Donald J. Dalessio).
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Symptoms of Psychopathology. A Handbook.

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