The Severely Disturbed Adolescent. Inpatient, Residential, and Hospital Treatment.

von Easson, William M.:

Easson, William M.:
2nd edition.
Verlag / Jahr
New York: International Universities Press, 1970.
Format / Einband
VIII, 249 S., Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.
ca. 550 g
Umschlag berieben. Einband leicht berieben, papierbedingt etwas gebräunt. - Drawing heavily on his first-hand diagnostic and treatment experiences at the Mayo Clinic, the University of Saskatchewan, and the Children's Hospital of The Menninger Foundation, Dr. Easson here attempts to shed helpful new light on some of the fundamental problem areas relating to the institutional treatment of adolescent personality disturbances. Among the principal questions he probes are these: What are the positive indications for successful institutional treatment of adolescents, and which types of disturbances might better be approached in a nonresi-dential setting? What overall therapeutic approaches and which specific treatment techniques appear to be most helpful in working with such widely contrasting types of young patients as: phobies, obsessive compulsives, the chronically anxious, psychotics of both the reactive and process (nuclear schizophrenic) types, those with conscience defects and others? When and with whom should intensiv psychotherapy be attempted in the res dential treatment setting - and what im portant adaptations and limitations doe: the setting itself impose on the psycho therapeutic relationship? What are the possibilities and what are the disadvantages of drugs or other medications as an adjunct to treatment? To what extent should key "external" factors be taken into account in the treatment and diagnostic processes: for example, interactions of the teenage patient with his parents and other members of the family; interactions of the patient with members of the treatment and custodial staffs, with other resident patients, with the community beyond the hospital walls? What special personal qualities must be sought - aside from professional qualifications-in the recruitment of personnel for inpatient treatment work with adolescents (including personnel who are not directly involved with the therapy proper)? What considerations must be paramount in the framing of a program of schoolwork which, for many reasons, may be both desirable and necessary for adolescent patients in residential treatment?
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The Severely Disturbed Adolescent. Inpatient, Residential, and Hospital Treatment.

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