Kas Oosterhuis, architect. Ilona Lénárd, visual artist.

von Oosterhuis, Kas:

Oosterhuis, Kas:
Verlag / Jahr
Rotterdam : 010 Publishers, 1998.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalbroschur. [70] S. Wendebuch.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - during their stay at theo van doesburg's studio in meudon near paris, architect kas oosterhuis and visual artist ilona lenard opted for a fusion of architecture and art from the very start of a project they work on the same scale and think about the same budget in a parallel and interactive process. their recent sculptural buildings - the salt water pavilion at neeltje jans, the garbage transfer station elhorst/ vloedbelt in zenderen, the music sculpture in oldemarkt -show where their uncompromising urge for new concepts can lead kas oosterhuis and ilona lenard like to describe their work as building bodies, as intelligent sculptures and as bodies generating real-time behaviour. this first monograph is a frozen display of their work.
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Kas Oosterhuis, architect. Ilona Lénárd, visual artist.

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