Storybook culture. The art of popular children's books.

von Homme, Joseph und Cheryl Homme:

Homme, Joseph und Cheryl Homme:
Verlag / Jahr
Portland, Ore.: Collectors Press, 2002.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Gebundene Ausgabe mit Schutzumschlag. 207 S.
ca. 1550 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar. - Remember hiding under the covers and being swept away by a fantastical tale while clutching a flashlight? Sure, it began with Dick and Jane, but soon moved on to the more sophisticated Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, and before you knew it, the journey was out of this world with Tom Swift Jr. and his science-adventure sagas. These illustrations and stories are not lost. They are here just as you remember them in Storybook Culture. Abundantly illustrated, this study in American culture tells the history of the stories, the authors, the illustrators, and the art that sold seven decades on the power of the imagination. This sentimental voyage is sure to evoke fond memories of childhood and, if only for a moment, recapture the innocence of youth. Contents: The century opens -- The early days and the classics -- Shadows and shivers -- Mystery stories -- From Copperhead Gulch to Guadalcanal -- Western and war books -- Thrills and spills -- Adventure stories -- Across the universe -- Science-fiction books -- Be true to your school -- Readers and sports stories -- Value guide. ISBN 1888054719
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EUR 50,00
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Storybook culture. The art of popular children's books.

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