Nepal Mandala.

von Josephson, Richard und Rama Tiwari:

Josephson, Richard und Rama Tiwari:
Verlag / Jahr
Kathmandu: Pilgrim's Bookstore, 1988.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. 155 S.
ca. 550 g
Erste und letzte Blätter etwas wellig. - Here is Nepal in the palm of your hand. A complete guide, Nepal Mandala is informative, bringing facts about Nepal, the country, its people, customs, religion, and history within easy reach. The do's and don'ts of eating, drinking, shopping, and :rekking-short treks withing the Valley's rim-----long treks ieep into the Himayalas-----it's all here. Practical information,-makes this guide functional: postal information, :elecommunication, telex, telegram, shipping, and banks -it's 1ère in detail and consise. Transportation within the Kathmandu Valley: bicycle, motorcycle, rickshaw, bus and taxi-small lircraft transportation to distant villages and mountain retreats outside the valley's rim-----what you need to know is here. Hotels are listed with ratings and rates. Where to go: cultural shows, libraries, the zoo, wild life reserves, cinema halls, play houses, and swimming. Here you will find visa , customs, and health regulations. Foreign embassies and consulates within Nepal and Nepalese consulates abroad, are all carefully listed. Included as a special feature of this guide is a complete Nepali phrase book, A Pilgrims Key to Nepali. First published by Pilgrims Book House, Thamel Kathmandu, A Pilgrims Key to Nepali will open doors to Nepal and her people.
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