Folia Linguistica Historica. Acta Societatis Linguistica Europaea Tomus Vi.

von Fisiak, Jacek (Ed.):

Fisiak, Jacek (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Poznan: Adam Mickiewicz University, 1985.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 178 S.
ca. 550 g
Aus dem Nachlass von Michael Richter. Einband leicht berieben. Besitzvermerk auf Vorsatz. - ELIZABETH CLOSS TRATTGOTT and SUZANNE ROMAINE, Some questions for the definition of "style" in socio-historical linguistics -- MICHAEL RICHTER, Towards a methodology for historical sociolinguistics -- ANN HARLEMAN STEWART, Inference in socio-historical linguistics: the example of Old English word-play -- THOMAS E. TOON, The socio-politics of lietracy in Early England: what we learned at our Hlaford's Knee -- KATHLEEN DAHXGREN, Social terms and social reality -- INGRID TIEKEN-BOON VAN OSTADE, DO-support in the writings of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: a change in progress -- DIETER STEIN, Stylistic aspects of syntactis change.
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