The Ferro-Concrete Style.

von Onderdonk, Francis S.:

Onderdonk, Francis S.:
Verlag / Jahr
Santa Monica: Hennessey and Ingalls, 1998.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.
ca. 1300 g
Umschlag leicht berieben, am Rücken etwas ausgeblichen, sonst gutes Exemplar. - Inhalt: THE POSSIBILITIES OF REINFORCED CONCRETE: Quantitative Variations - Qualitative Variations - Dimensionai Possibilities (Cantilever Construction, Setbacks) - Forming Possibilities - The "Wood-Centring Style" - Metal Forms - Composition Forms - Auto-Centering: PERMANENT MOLDS - SELF-SUPPORTING REINFORCEMENT - SELF-CENTRING REINFORCEMENT - Methods of Placement (Gravity System, Cement-Gun, etc.) - "Liquid Stone". -- SURFACE TREATMENT AND SCULPTURE: Primary Treatments - Formmarks - Exposing thè Aggregates - Colored Concrete - Colored Aggregate - Portland Cement Stucco - Scraffito - Painting - PREPARATION OF THE SURFACE - PAINTS - PROTECTIVE COATS - EXAMPLES - Spraying - Reinforcing Veins - Decorative Inserts: Intarsia - Tile - Glass - Glossy Concrete : Polishing - Glazing (Glasin, Kerament) - Metallized Concrete - Sculpture (Economie Advantages, Influence of Reinforcing) - Cast Sculpture - Chiselled Sculpture - Possibilities. -- CONCRETE TRACERY: Transitional Tracery - Figurai Concrete Tracery (Pictorial-Silhouette-Tracery) - Details of Execution - Glass-Blocks - A. and G. Perret's Concrete Tracery. -- THE PARABOLIC ARCH: Structural Advantages - The Esthetic and Symbolic Value of thè Parabola - Examples - Details of Execution - Prof. D. Bohm's Churches. -- THE FERRO-CONCRETE STYLE: Structural Possibilities (Floors and Roofs; Blocks) - "Good" and "Bad" in Ferro-Concrete Design - Featuring thè Monolithic Character of Concrete - Featuring the Reinforcement - The Ferro-Concrete Style. - From the baroque excesses of Los Angeles's Mayan theater to the starkly expressionist churches of '20s Europe, this book traces the history of reinforced concrete from its roots through its glory days in the first three decades of this century. Long out of print and hard to find, Onderdonk's masterful survey has been faithfully reproduced to include the three color plates and over 300 black and white illustrations. ISBN 0940512092
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The Ferro-Concrete Style.

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