Nederlands ontwerp 1996/1997 / grafisch; ruimtelijk; industrieel. Dutch Design 1996/1997.

Verlag / Jahr
Amsterdam : BIS, 1996.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Gebundene Ausgabe. 581 S. + 1 CD-ROM.
ca. 2550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Text in engl. und niederländ. - Since the beginning of 1996, much has changed in the life of designers and the professional associations representing their interests in the Netherlands. The fusion of the Association of Dutch Designers bNO, the Association of Dutch Industrial Designers KIO and the Association of Dutch Industrial Design Agencies KlO-branche, is the beginning of a new chapter in the rich design history of the Netherlands. The new BNO will have positive consequences for potential clients and for designers: this book is the first. Both in education and in professional practice, boundaries of the various design disciplines are becoming increasingly blurred all across the board. The increasing complexity of assignments is causing graphic designers, industrial designers and interior architects to encounter each other with increasing frequency in order to accomplish their work. Their collaboration sometimes results in the creation of multi-disciplinary agencies. In some cases, agencies themselves expand their field of work. Whatever the case, the borders of professional identity are becoming much more difficult to clearly delineate than they used to be. This is why the professional associations have chosen to present themselves in a contemporary form that includes the totality of design disciplines. ISBN 9072007387
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EUR 41,90
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Nederlands ontwerp 1996/1997 / grafisch; ruimtelijk; industrieel.

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