Delirium Tremens in Copenhagen. Part of A Cross-National Investigation of Delirium Tremens in the Nordic Countries sponsored by the Nordic Committee For Alcohol Research.

von Nielsen, Johannes.:

Nielsen, Johannes.:
Verlag / Jahr
Copenhagen, Munksgaard. 1965.,
Format / Einband
Gr. 8°. 92 Seiten mit zahlreichen Schaubildern und Tabellen im Text. Originalkarton (= Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Suppl. 187 (ad Volumen 41, 1965)).
ca. 550 g
Vorderdeckel und erste Seiten fleckig. - A study of the correlation between alcohol price, alcohol consumption, frequency of delirium tremens, and deaths from alcoholism shows a close correlation between the prices and consumption of alcohol, and between price differences of distilled spirits and beer, frequency of delirium tremens and deaths from alcoholism, so that a relatively high price of distilled spirits and a relatively low price of beer is correlated with a low frequency of delirium tremens and a low frequency of deaths from alcoholism.
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Delirium Tremens in Copenhagen. Part of A Cross-National Investigation of Delirium Tremens in the Nordic Countries sponsored by the Nordic Committee For Alcohol Research.

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