This beautiful art print features a woman holding a guitar, created by the artist Sheldon Clyde Schoneberg. The print is created using lithography technique and comes framed, with dimensions of 23.25 inches in height and 18.25 inches in width. The artwork belongs to the post-war period and is an excellent example of realism style. The certificate of authenticity is not included, and it cannot be personalized. However, it will make an outstanding addition to any art collection. Shop now and add this stunning piece to your home decor!

b. 1926 - d. 2013

American artist Sheldon Schoneberg, born in 1926 in Chicago, Illinois, is best known for his vibrant, colorful pastel work. Schoneberg touts an impressive resume, having been formally educated at schools such as Los Angeles' Chouinard Art Institute, the University of Southern California, and the Academia di Belle Arti in Rome. Never to leave the world of academia, artist Sheldon Schoneberg went on to teach art at schools like the University of New York and the University of Maine.

Sheldon Schoneberg's paintings cover a range of subjects, including female nudes, musicians, gypsies, women adorned with flowers, and young ladies and children. The occasional oil painting and many pastel pieces can be seen in museums around the world, and Sheldon Schoneberg art for sale is highly coveted today.