A minor miracle, a working un-jammed Retina 1a with a Schneider Kreuznach 50mm 3.5 lens and a clean 1/2 case. Synchro Compur leaf shutter with flash sync. This is not a rangefinder. It is a zone focus camera but it is a charming little thing none the less. It's got history and some kind of cool mojo.
Some dope engraved his license number on it which can be seen in the photos. These German made cameras take good photos. The glass looks clear with no fungus. The shutter fires at all speeds. The focusing barrel turns easily. The aperture lever is a tiny bit sticky but it moves ok. And the case is in good shape.This is a good user for someone who is into vintage cameras. They fold up small so they are perfect bike for the hiker or bike person.