Dipladenia Natural Flower Plant Mandevilla plants Ø11 cms

3 plants with similar characteristics to the one in the photo are sent, one of each color

Note: They are sent with a pot, well protected.

Note: Not sent to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla.

Dipladenia, also known as Mandevilla, is a climbing plant popular for its showy flowers and easy care. Here are some main features and care:


  1. Flowers: Dipladenia produces large, showy trumpet-shaped flowers that can be of various colors, such as white, pink, red or yellow.
  2. Leaves: They are dark green and have an oval or lanceolate shape.
  3. Size: It can grow up to 2 meters tall or more, depending on growing conditions.
  4. Creeper: It is a climbing plant that needs support to grow vertically.
  5. Perennial: It is a perennial in warm climates, but can be treated as an annual in colder areas.


  1. Light: Dipladenia prefers places with lots of direct sunlight. Place it in a place where it receives at least 6 hours of sun a day.
  2. Temperature: It is a tropical plant that prefers warm temperatures. Keep the room temperature between 18-27°C.
  3. Irrigation: Water regularly throughout the growing season (spring and summer), keeping the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Reduce watering in winter.
  4. Floor: It needs well-drained and fertile soil. Use a potting soil mix with perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage.
  5. Fertilization: Feed the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.
  6. Pruning: Prune the plant regularly to promote compact growth and abundant flowering. Remove dead or diseased branches and trim long shoots to maintain the desired shape.
  7. Medium: Since it is a climbing plant, provide support, such as a trellis or wire frame, to help it climb.
  8. Wintering: In areas with cold winters, bring the plant indoors when temperatures drop below 10°C. Keep it in a bright and cool place during the winter, reducing watering.

By following these basic care, you will be able to enjoy a healthy Dipladenia with abundant flowers throughout the growing season.

Dipladenia, also known as Mandevilla, is a climbing plant popular for its showy flowers and easy care. Here are some main features and care: Flowers: Dipladenia produces large, showy trumpet-shaped flowers that can be of various colors, such as white, pink, red or yellow. Light: Dipladenia prefers places with lots of direct sunlight. Place it in a place where it receives at least 6 hours of sun a day. Irrigation: Water regularly throughout the growing season (spring and summer), keeping the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Reduce watering in winter. Pruning: Prune the plant regularly to promote compact growth and abundant flowering. Remove dead or diseased branches and trim long shoots to maintain the desired shape. Wintering: In areas with cold winters, bring the plant indoors whe