Oskars Surströmming 15oz / 510g
Fermented Herring / Viking Sushi
Handled & Shipped from Sweden

The most popular Surströmming brand in Sweden.

Perfect for the Surstromming Challenge / Stinky Fish Challenge !!!

Surströmming has been part of northern Swedish cuisine since at least the 14th century.
Surstromming is Made in Sweden only!

The fish is often eaten with tunnbröd, a thin, either soft or crispy bread, 
tradition is to make a sandwich "surströmmingsklämma" using two pieces of buttered tunnbröd. 
In addition to the fish, two of the most common toppings are potatoes and diced onion. 

In Sweden, it is customary to use a variety of condiments such as diced Onion, Crème Fraîche, Chives, 
sometimes tomato's.

Surströmming is commonly served with Beers and a shot (or three) of Absolut Vodka.