I have been traveling the Himalayan areas like Dharamshala for the last few years, and have brought back only a few treasures to pass on. Each of the items I have are either antique or extremely high quality. I have done my best to find the best. Each mala has been blessed and used at the Dalai Lama temple in McLeod Ganj. May these items find new homes and bring blessings to their new caretakers. Many of these beads are over 1,000 years old, so we are all links in that chain.

This one is extremely special. These are SHALIGRAM STONE beads, from the Gandhaki River in Nepal. This stone is sacred to Vishnu, and it’s a beautiful stone with a great feel. I am also including an actual Shaligram (fossilized ammonite) with the mala, $100 value.

7.5 mm beads all made from Shaligram stone, beautiful Sulemani spacer beads with banded agate and turquoise, and a big piece of antique Tibetan amber. Silver ends past the guru bead. This mala was strung by my good friend Lhakpa, a Tibetan ex-military friend who is a master at making malas.

It’s a great mala for wrathful practices, and also makes a really beautiful and unique necklace.

The beads have a smooth, almost porous feel to them that I love.