Delve into the captivating realm of Cook Islands stamps, spanning from 1892 to 1965 within the British Commonwealth. With administrative control transferred to New Zealand in 1900, a unique blend emerged as New Zealand stamps were overprinted with Cook Islands issuances. These stamps offer a rich tapestry of history, reflecting the islands' cultural evolution and ties to the wider Commonwealth. Each stamp is a window into Cook Islands' maritime heritage, Polynesian traditions, and stunning landscapes. Whether you're a seasoned philatelist or a novice collector, these stamps are prized treasures, encapsulating the enduring legacy of the Cook Islands' philatelic journey.

Set1:CookIs_First £25
The original couple of stamps from the first issue around 1892
Set2:CookIs_NZop £15
New Zealand stamps overprinted with Cook Island overprinted
Set3:CI_Jubilee £10
King Edward VI Silver Jubilee stamps of New Zealand overprinted
Set4:Niue_First £25
The original couple of stamps from the first issue
Set5:Niue_Jubilee £10
King Edward VI Silver Jubilee stamps of New Zealand overprinted