The Psychoanalysis of Children. The International Psycho-Analytical Library, No. 22.

von Klein, Melanie:

Klein, Melanie:
Revised Edition.
Verlag / Jahr
London: The Hogarth Press, 1975.
Format / Einband
Hardcover. XVI, 326 p.
ca. 620 g
Einband angeschmutzt und leicht berieben, Buchschnitt auch angeschmutzt, sehr vereinzelte Anstreichungen im Buch / Binding soiled and slightly rubbed, book edge also soiled, very occasional markings in the book. - CONTENTS Note to the Revised Translation Page viii Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Third Edition Introduction Part I THE TECHNIQUE OF CHILD ANALYSIS 1. The Psychological Foundations of Child Analysis 2. The Technique of Early Analysis 3. An Obsessional Neurosis in a Six-Year-Old Girl 4. The Technique of Analysis in the Latency Period 5. The Technique of Analysis in Puberty 6. Neurosis in Children 7. The Sexual Activities of Children Part II EARLY ANXIETY-SITUATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD 8. Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict and of Super-Ego Formation 9. The Relations Between Obsessional Neurosis and the Early Stages of the Super-Ego 10. The Significance of Early Anxiety-Situations in the Development of the Ego 11. The Effects of Early Anxiety-Situations on the Sexual Development of the Girl 12. The Effects of Early Anxiety-Situations on the Sexual Development of the Boy Appendix-The Scope and Limits of Child Analysis Explanatory Note Bibliography List of Patients Index. ISBN 9780701201364
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