Our Story: Since our friendship began more than 30 years ago, we've been on a mission to do something special. What started as a 21-day cleanse led us to a miraculous bean, much like the story of the curious goat who originally discovered the first coffee bean in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia. It was our discovery of a bean so pure and full of antioxidants it changed our lives forever. Being coffee connoisseurs, we knew what we wanted in our coffee and more importantly, what we didn't. Clean Coffee, packed with remarkable health benefits and a distinctively smooth taste. We hope you enjoy each and every cup! At Clean Coffee Company, we don't just talk the talk. We have taken exhaustive measures to make certain that we can back up our claims. Our Papua New Guinea Highlands coffee beans have been third-party tested and verified against 150+ different toxins. FULL-BODIED FLAVOR WITHOUT THE BITTER TASTE 4 POINTS OF PURITY: - Agrichemical & Toxin-Free - Rick in antioxidants CGA - Low in acid - Smooth natural taste
MEDIUM ROAST 12oz BAG — Enjoy the smooth complexity of this Papua New Guinea bean, roasted between a medium and a dark roast. Sun dried and carefully processed to retain the most flavor, you’ll find notes of sweet milk chocolate, strawberry rhubarb, and lemon in this cup.
GROUND COFFEE WITH LOW ACID — Whether you’re looking for cold brew coffee grounds or something for the coffee pot or pour over, these grounds have a pH level similar to rainwater and taste as good as anything in a coffee shop. Between the low acid and rich antioxidant level, your bag of ground coffee will be a treat for your body as much as your taste buds.
TASTE COMES FIRST — We were coffee drinkers long before we knew about the environmental factors at play, and the core tenet of our beans is that we want the smoothest, most delicious product on the market. After a lot of testing and tasting we think you’ll agree that we’ve done it. But, that being said…
CLEAN COFFEE MATTERS — It’s easy to think of coffee as exempt from the rules of contamination that we apply to our produce, but coffee beans require healthy soil and water just like any other crop. We work hard to bring you a mold free and toxin free coffee, unexposed to the agrichemicals that are in so many mass-produced beans. Clean coffee is not about what you see when you hold a roasted coffee bean, it’s about an approach to agriculture that respects the environment and the consumer.
LAB TESTED, SCIENCE APPROVED — We send our beans to third party laboratories for CDFA multi-residue screening, a combination of tests covering more than 150 contaminants. We want to be sure that we can uphold this promise to you: every bag of is free from undue chemicals, pesticides, mold, and toxins. So all you’re left with is coffee that you can enjoy.