“Chrysanthemums” gouache and watercolour, Signed, c1990s. Offered in very good condition Painting/image measures 52cms x 34cms and framed 71.5cms x  54cms. Caxton House Gallery, Tenterden, Kent label detailing Title, Artist, Artists address, medium and price. New Listing. Free p & p UK.

David Easton RI (1935-2019) after qualifying as a commercial artist from Leicester College of Art in 1956 and National Service. He worked as a graphic designer until the 1970s when he moved into art education obtaining a BEd teaching for 26 years. He exhibited regularly as was elected RI in 1984 and he exhibited with a number of galleries including Bircham Gallery. He wrote/illustrated two books for Batsford Watercolours Flower and watercolour inspiration in the 1990s.