Selling a large collection of Space Marines I inherited from a friend when they left the hobby. Mostly generic marines with a good bit of Dark Angels models. Almost entirely just primed, small handful had some color testing. Some models have broken arms from bad glue, but I've matched them up best I can so almost all of them are there. With only 7 missing actual bits. 

Price breakdown is as follows. If interested, but a bit too expensive, please contact as I may be willing to haggle.

2 Chaplain on Bike 55ea

1 Terminator Chaplain 42

1 Interrogator Chaplain  35

1 Judicier 35ea (Unavailable, based on average character)

1 Terminator Librarian (metal) 38 

1 Phobos Librarian 35

1 Librarian (in box) 40

1 Bladeguard Ancient 35 (Unavailable, based on average character)

1 Lieutenant with storm shield 35

2 Lieutenant 35ea

2 Phobos Lieutenant 35ea

1 Phobos Captain 40

1 Relic shield Captain 40

2 Gravis Captain (1 missing sword) 40ea

1 Sammael on Jetbike (metal) 60

1 Dark Angels Captain 35 (Unavailable, based on average character)

6 Suppressors (missing bases) 60ea (Unavailable, based on Inceptors)

6 Eliminators 60ea

3 Eradicators 60

3 Inceptors (2 missing bases 1 missing arms) 60 

3 Bladeguard Veterans (1 missing sword) 60

7 Deathwing Terminators/Knights 98 (70+14ea)

23 Terminators (3 missing 1 arm) 234 (65+13ea)

10 Assault Intercessors 60

14 Hellblasters 84 (60+6ea)

11 Intercessors (1 missing hand) 60

20 Infiltrators/Incursors 120

6 Ravenwing Bikers (1 missing arm 1 missing hand) 110

6 Ravenwing Knights 120

8 Bikers (2 missing hands) 146 (55+18ea) (Unavailable, based on Ravenwing Bikers)

2 Attack Bikes (1 metal) 50 (20ea+10) (Unavailable, based on Ravenwing Knights)

3 Outriders 60

1 Dreadnought 60  (Unavailable, based on other Dreadnoughts)

1 Death Company Dreadnought 60

1 Land Raider Crusader (missing front & pintile gun) 112 

Total: $2594 based on Games Workshop prices

-40% = $1556

-5 per missing piece

(-15 for Land Raider

-10 for Ravenwing Bikers

-5 for Intercessors 

-15 for Terminators

-5 for Bladeguard Veterans

-20 for Inceptors

-30 for Suppressors

-5 for Gravis Captain)

+10 for OoP Metal Models

(+10 for Terminator Librarian

+10 for Sammael)

+30 for shipping

New Total: $1500