The centre of our well-being lies in the gut!

A healthy intestinal flora in balance is crucial for our health, as it not only supports the health of our digestive system, but also influences many other metabolic processes including the immune system.

Unicity Probionic Plus contains eleven probiotic strains to colonize the gut. These probiotic strains are micro-encapsulated so that they can pass through the stomach undamaged and develop their full effect in your digestive system.

Feel better all over!

What are probiotics anyway?
Probiotics are viable microorganisms we ingest with our food that can colonise the gut. To do this, they must survive the digestive process and arrive in the intestine undamaged. That's why the probiotic strains in Probionic are microencapsulated.

What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?
Prebiotics and probiotics both play an important role in gut health. Although the names sound similar, they are completely different vital substances: probiotics are living microorganisms that are mainly found in fermented foods such as yoghurt or sauerkraut. Prebiotics are dietary fibres that serve as food for useful intestinal bacteria. Prebiotics are therefore crucial for probiotics to thrive.

Why should the microbiome be as diverse as possible?
Research suggests that a diverse microbiome plays an important role in our health and the body's defences. Unfortunately, our lifestyles and dietary habits contribute to the continuing decline in the diversity of our microbiome. The more imbalanced the microbiome, the easier it is for harmful microorganisms to take over.

Which foods are particularly good for the microbiome?
If you want to feed your microbiome on a daily basis, you should eat a diet rich in fibre. Certain dietary fibres, such as fructooligosaccharides or inulin, are an important food source for many beneficial intestinal bacteria. In addition, fermented foods are considered a valuable source of probiotics. These include sauerkraut, for example, but also kefir, yoghurt and certain types of cheese such as Parmesan. Korean kimchi is also probiotic.

What are the disadvantages of the modern diet for the microbiome?
Our modern diet usually contains little fibre, but is rich in artificial additives, salt and above all sugar and simple carbohydrates. This can lead to our intestinal flora being undersupplied despite our plates being full: on the one hand, the lack of fibre means little food for our good intestinal bacteria, which cannot multiply accordingly. On the other hand, sugar and other simple carbohydrates often feed the very microorganisms in the gut that we would like to keep in check. This is why a balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables, protein and complex carbohydrates is so crucial for our gut flora.