Formulated for the health and well-being of adult dogs, BLUE Life Protection Formula Chicken and Brown Rice Healthy Weight dry dog food is made with the finest natural ingredients enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It's a high-quality, balanced recipe you can both feel great about. With real chicken first, BLUE Life Protection Formula is a delicious, natural choice your dog will love. Formulated specifically for adult dogs, this diet contains an ideal caloric balance to help your dog maintain a healthy weight. Like all BLUE dry foods, BLUE Life Protection Formula includes exclusive antioxidant-rich LifeSource Bits, which are "cold-formed" to retain their potency. Give your dog the balanced nutrition of BLUE Life Protection Formula today. BLUE Life Protection Formula is brought to you by Blue Buffalo, the leader in natural pet food. Blue Buffalo makes premium-quality pet foods featuring real meat, fruit, and vegetables. Love them like family. Feed them like family.

  • We offer FAST AND FREE SHIPPING on all USA orders
    We usually handle the order within 4 days (often 2-3 days), and it usually takes 3 days for delivery. It means you will receive your order no later than 7 days after payment.
    We use FedEx, USPS or UPS ground
    Local pick up is not available at the moment
    We DO NOT offer shipping option to PO BOX address, warehouse address, freight company address.

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