Arabesque design Hand Tufted 100% Wool Rugs, Area Rug for Living Room, Bedroom

Hand tufting wool Rugs for your living room. We use the best wool yarn available to create rugs that are both comfortable and long-lasting, and we do it all with love and attention to detail.
The design, size, and color of each rug may be customized to perfectly fit your living area because each one is produced to order. There are many of variations to pick from, regardless of your preference for a modern or traditional pattern.

Every rug is made to be exceptional and one-of-a-kind through our hand tufting method. The primary backing fabric is first filled with wool yarn using a tufting gun, then for further durability, a final backing fabric is used to secure it.
In addition to being lovely, our rugs are useful. In addition to being lovely, our rugs are useful. Any busy home would benefit greatly from having them as they are simple to maintain and clean.

In terms of style, hand-tufted wool rugs offer a versatile range of options to suit various decor preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional, modern, or eclectic look, there is a hand-tufted wool rug to complement your living room decor. The intricate craftsmanship and attention to detail in each rug add a touch of sophistication and charm to your space, elevating the overall aesthetic of your living room.

Care Instruction:

We advise routine vacuuming to get rid of dust and dirt from your hand-tufted wool rug with an Arabesque design to preserve its beauty. Use a fresh cloth and a little detergent to gently wipe any spills or spots. For severe stains or extensive soiling, steer clear of abrasive cleaners and harsh chemicals and instead use a professional cleaner.


Please allow 2-3 weeks for manufacturing and shipment as all of our carpets are handcrafted to order.
We accept custom orders, however please be aware that there can be additional costs.
Within 14 days after delivery, you can return items to us for a complete refund or exchange.
Please be aware that because our rugs are handcrafted, there may be very tiny differences in color and pattern.