With stunningly beautiful indentations to the lid and many eye-catching dents. With a new blue leather writing surface and a working lock and key.
A highly functional, large lovingly restored writing slope measuring 50 x 25 x 17 cm that does actually look quite good for a 120-year-plus piece of equipment.

A little copy and paste

 I restore many different types of boxes for the artist /creator. They are writing slopes restored to be used. In some, I do not try to hide the blemishes i feature them. They are all well-earned and are marks of honor! In others, i try to make the slopes as close to their original condition as possible. I try to restore all of these slopes to work well for their new owners and to be a companion for them on their journey of creation. I also try to describe the slope's personality!    Let me explain why!
Long ago fast travel or communication meant that the horses were well fed or the wind was in the right direction. In that time empires spanned the world and people were born in places, where far away was the next village, moved to the otherside of the planet or toured the massiveness of Europe, or moved to the city. Most people were strangers in a strange land, both literally and figuratively. At those times the writing slopes were designed and built by the craftsmen of the time to link you to the world and to home, wherever you found yourself, you could go to your slope prepare your pens, paper, and ink, and communicate. For many, it was that one constant, that rock to cling to. They were designed for that. See the different crafts and the different purposes and stories they tell. Find one to fit you and give it a new purpose. Many generations have done so before you.

All the Best steve