UK buyers only .

We have a limited number of these set aside for this offer. They normally sell for a lot more on our main site.

This offer is comprised of 1 Spring Sibilla and 1 Thomson Leng, and both come with books. Please note that the Sibilla book may arrive slightly bent as it is oversized compared to the cards themselves, and is made of paper. If this is a big issue for you, please don't place an order. I will do my best, as I always do, to secure everything in the package, but when it leaves the studio I can't supervise it.

The Spring Sibilla consists of the main 52 cards with a total of 8 bonus cards (variations of some of the main cards in the deck) This deck is based on the Italian Vera Sibilla, and comes with a full color box and booklet (see pictures). All lovingly hand drawn and colored by humans without AI.

Please read specifications carefully

Specifications for Spring Sibilla

Card Size 57x89mm

Full color box

Full color booklet (30 pages)

60 cards

Bordered deck

350 gsm thick cardstock


The Thomson Leng is based on the original 1930's printing of the deck.

Original Thomson-Leng decks, and even some of their replicas, used to be quite expensive, numbering in the hundreds of pounds (and some are still fetching these price ranges) but over the years we've tried to turn that around and make it more affordable by printing our own, based on a good quality intact original.

Things of note: The Wands are "rods", and the Pentacles are "pence". Hierophant is named "Great Priest", and High Priestess is named "Great Priestess. The Fool is number "21", rather than "0", and Strength is number "11" and Justice is number "8". With the exception of the courts, the wands suit takes after the Marseille deck, as opposed to the Waite-Smith, with various formations made from the rods, which might indicate that more than one artist was assigned at the time, though DC Thomson has told us that they have no record of this, or who the original artists were. Nonetheless the style of illustration, at least for us, seem to reflect the style of the time, and I feel is slightly similar to the Waite-Smith.

Specifications for Thomson Leng

78 cards plus original title card and box card

booklet is same size as cards and the interior has 32 pages. (includes 3 spreads)

350gsm cardstock

bridge card in size Card Size 57x89mm

bordered deck

linen cardstock