“Teen Sports” (1956) 8mm Film Home Movie, Girl’s Track, Football, Home Ice Rink

Film opens with teen girls at a track meet, goofing off, doing long/high jumps in a field them moves on to a well attended football game. After the game, viewers are taken to the air on a flight to Canada where kids play on a homemade ice rink, family packs up and is taken to the train station to board the Canadian National Railway train. Fun clips of family that span borders.


Film appears to be in good condition, ran smoothly and has no detectable vinegar syndrome.

5” reel (approximately 9 min)

Rough timeline:

1 min 30 sec - teen girl track meet

3 min - football game

2 min - aerial shots of flight to Canada

1 min - kids ice skating in a home made ice rink in the neighborhood

45 sec - family leaving house

1 min - family at train station, boarding train

Please see photos to verify item condition. Sold as is.

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