Hecate Hekate Greek Goddess of Magic with Torch and Dog Statue 

 Poliresina Statue Figurine.

Hekate, era la Diosa de la Magia y la Brujeria, y mucho mas.Sus funciones se extendieron mucho mas alla del reino de los  Cielos
la Tierra, los Mares y el inframundo.
Sin embargo en su origen, fue una Diosa tracia, relacionada con la Fertilidad, la agricultura, la casa y la Pezca.

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.Hecate Hekate Greek Goddess of Magic with Torch and Dog Statue
Polyresin Statue Figurine.
Hekate was the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft, and much more. Her functions extended far beyond the kingdom of Heaven.
the Earth, the Seas and the underworld.
However, in her origin, she was a Thracian Goddess, related to Fertility, agriculture, the hunt and Fishing.

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