Full set of six Soul Mates plates by Lee Bogle, 
#1 The Lovers, Plate #7302E, Bradex No. 84-B10-249.1
#2 Awakening, Plate #416C, Bradex No. 84-B10-249.2
#3 The Embrace, Plate #14298A, Bradex No. 84-B10-249.3
#4 Waking Dream, Plate #18452A, Bradex No. 84-B10-249.4
#5 The Stirring, Plate #13579A, Bradex No. 84-B10-249.5
#6 Heart's Desire, Plate #12042A, Bradex No. 84-B10-249.6
Produced on hard-fired porcelain to the highest quality and artistic standards of the Bradford Exchange, strictly limited to a maximum of 95 firing days.