A Great historical item up for Auction, Typhoo Tea Cards created the 2nd series of International Football Stars for season 1969/70.

The Advertising company Young and Rubicam Limited were involved in helping Typhoo create the cards, each of the 24 players were given a form to be completed and to be returned with their signature on it.

This auction is for all 24 of those signatures that were sent back, it is not the whole form for each one, which is a pity, but the signature piece cut out at the bottom, later then stamped by the agency with the date of receipt. Dates are all Sept/Oct 1968 so received well in advance of the production of the cards.

When you compare each of these signatures to the published cards that can be seen online all signatures are an exact match.

Most of the signatures show the ad company name as well as date, some are cut to just show signature, George Best seems to be on a different style of paper but again is original and an exact match.

This item is a complete one off and would be excellent for a collector who already has all of the cards, or if you wanted each signature could be used to display against a player picture.

24 players signatures are in line with the 24 cards produced and are:

Mike Bailey, Colin Bell, George Best, Billy Bremner, Bobby Charlton, Martin Chivers, Charlie Cooke, Ron Davies, Mike England, Thomas Gemmell, John Giles, John Greig, Pat Jennings, Brian Labone, Rodney Marsh, Bobby Moore, Terry Neil, Keith Newton, Peter Rodrigues, Ian St John, Nobby Stiles, Mike Sumberbee, Ian Ure and Graham Williams