MOPAR 1966-1976 Sun Visor Tips
This is a reproduction of the Mopar 1966-1976 Sun Visor Tips.  This is an authentic Mopar reproduction part so buy with confidence.
  Shipping Info
Shipping is a FREE in the US, a flat rate of $15.00 to Canada and $20.00 elsewhere. Buy more items from us and we will gladly combine shipping!

We do our best to charge the lowest possible price for shipping. If you think the shipping cost is too high please feel free to contact us and we will tell you the exact shipping method we are using.

  Who We Are
We are Rocket Restorations in Olympia, Washington and are one of the premier restoration shops in the country. Unlike a lot of companies that sell parts on the Internet we use the parts we sell on cars we restore everyday. We only sell the best parts that are available and if a part has a problem or is not exactly correct we will tell you.

We have a full restoration and mechanic shop that can do anything from a full restoration on your car to a disc brake swap. Feel free to contact us with any inquires.