"This book gives and account of the lives of nine of the best-known Indians of the North American continent—King Philip, Pontiac, Joseph brant, Osceola, Tecumseh, Sequoyah, Chief Joseph, Crazy Horse, and Sitting Bull.
Though only a small part of the famous Indians of America, these nine do present a vivid account of the white man's gradual encroachment, and the ultimate usurpation of Indian homelands, beginning wit hKing Philip in New England to Osceola in Florida, through the Midwest of Pontiac, across the wide Missouri to the Great Plains of Sitting Bull and the mountains of Chief Joseph.
It is not a pleasant story, but one essential to understanding the Indians. These were not wild savages to be extirpated but men of character, men who loved their people and their homeland and who were determined to protect both.
How they ultimately failed in this valiant attempt to preserve a free and vivid way of life which as since passed from the face of the earth makes up this latest book by William Heuman."

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