Unpunched and like new, includes scenarios from C3i #27.

Panzer is a complete game system designed for small unit actions from platoon to battalion-sized formations in World War 2. The primary focus is Armored Warfare simulation, but Leg (Infantry) and Towed units are also part of the game. Each 7/8” double-sided counter represents a single vehicle, towed gun or aircraft. The 5/8" double-sided leg unit counters represent squads, half-squads and sections, including their attached weapons.

It's a modular rules system with Basic, Advanced and Optional rules, which the players can mix and match according to taste - you can keep it simple or make it as complex as desired. All Unit data is included on the full-color Data Cards. The streamlined chit-based command system moves the action along at a brisk pace.

The base game comes with 10 Scenarios, some of which are aimed at new players and use only the Basic rules. A list can be found below in the Community Wiki section.

Included Panzer units:

German: 7.5cm PaK 40, 8.8cm FlaK 36, Marder II, Pz IIIM, Pz IVG, Pz IVH, Pz V Panther, Pz VIB Tiger II, Pz VIE Tiger I, SdKfz 7, SdKfz 10, SdKfz 11, SPW 251/1, STuG IIIG, Trucks; Leg Units

German fliers: Fw 190 F-1, Hs 129 B-1/R-2

Soviet: 57mm M43, 76.2mm M39, IS-2m M44, KV-1S M42, Limber, SU-100 M44, SU-152 M43, SU-76M M43, SU-85 M43, T-34/76 M43, T-34/85 M44, T-70 M42, Trucks; Leg Units

Soviet fliers: Il-2m3, Yak-9T

Panzer includes rules for:

11 unique vehicle hit locations, armor angles and penetration charts for level, rising and falling fire

Various ammunition types, e.g. AP, HVAP, APCR, HEAT, HE...

Sighting effects

Overwatch fire


Indirect fire, both on-map and off-map

Currently there are 4 published expansions for Panzer. Each brings additional geomorphic maps, new units and scenarios:

Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 1 – The Shape of Battle on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 2 – The Final Forces on the Eastern Front 1941-44

Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 3 – Drive to the Rhine: The Second Front 1944-45

Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 4 – France 1940

A standalone (but fully compatible) Panzer North Africa box is also available:

Panzer North Africa

Box contents:

3 double-sided full-color countersheets with 7/8” and 5/8” counters

1 single-sided 22" x 34" map with 1" hexes (different from expansion maps)

16 double-sided 5” x 4” Unit Data Cards

2 Sumary Cards

Modular full-color Rulebook with Basic & Advanced Rules

Modular full-color Rulebook with Optional Rules

Full-color Playbook with information on TO&E, Scenario Design, 10 Scenarios and Unit Summaries

5 double-sided Player Aid Cards

4 10-sided dice