Please read entire description.

This is a lot of three dolls, including an American Girl doll and two Our Generation dolls by Battat. Two dolls have blonde hair and blue eyes.  ONE battat doll has flaming red hair and brown eyes, and light complexions. They are made of vinyl and cloth and come with no personalization. The dolls were manufactured between 2010-2019 and are not antique or vintage. The set includes a total of three pieces and is an original product line.

All of their bodies are cloth and clean.  The hair is wild and I don't know how to comb or fix it as I'm not a doll expert.  Please use the pictures for your description.

I'm not combing their hair so use the pics for a description.

A backpack came with the American Girl doll but it isn't labeled with the brand name may not be Anerican Girl items, including a dress.  I will include it although it is wrinkled from being in the backpack.

Any questions message me.