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freno a disco flottante 6 fori 220mm arancione HOPE freni bici

Marca/Brand: HOPE
Codice/Code: RIDE_hod220f.o
Mpn: HBSP3302206FC
Ean: 5056033475396

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- Costruzione in due due pezzi: parte centrale in alluminio fissata al mozzo (spider) e parte in acciaio a contatto con le pastiglie freno (pista frenante), unite da specifici nottolini
- Assicura frenate sicure, affidabili e performanti
- Tecnologia flottante, così che la pista si muova liberamente rispetto allo spider, adattandosi ai movimenti della pastiglia.
- Ventilazione che garantisce un raffreddamento ottimale e una frenata pronta anche sotto stress
- Peso 190gr



Peso / Weight Gr: 190 / 190
Diametro / Diameter : 220 / 220
Attacco Disco Tipo / Connection Disc Type : 6 Fori / 6 Holes
Colore / Colour : Arancio / Orange


- Construction in two pieces: central part in aluminum fixed to the hub (spider) and part in steel in contact with the brake pads (braking track), joined by specific pawls
- Ensures safe, reliable and high-performance braking
- Floating technology, so that the track moves freely with respect to the spider, adapting to the movements of the pad.
- Ventilation that guarantees optimal cooling and ready braking even under stress
- Weight 190gr




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All products sold by Ridewill are NEW and have warranty unless otherwise specified:
24 months for private
12 months for Enterprises
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