Louis XI: The Universal Spider.

von Kendall, Paul Murray:

Kendall, Paul Murray:
Verlag / Jahr
London: Phoenix Press Paperback, 2001.
Format / Einband
Paperback. 464 p.: Ill.
ca. 751 g
Lediglich der Einband ist leicht berieben, sonst ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar ohne Anstreichungen / Only the cover is slightly rubbed, otherwise a good and clean copy without annotations. - CONTENTS PREFACE BY GILLIAN MURRAY KENDALL AUTHOR'S PREFACE Prologue Book I THE DAUPHIN THE ALIEN 1. The Child of Shame 2. The Unfilial Son 3. The Prince of Cutthroats 4. The Malcontent THE EXILE 5. The Emperor of Dauphiné 6. The Unchastened Rebel 7. Man Near the End of His Rope THE REFUGEE 8. The Grateful Nephew 9. The Squire of Genappe 10. Creature of Circumstance Book II THE KING FALSE START 11. Hasty Heart 12. A Pride of Princes 13. The League of the Public Weal 14. Montlhéry 15. The Siege of Paris 16. "A Snapper-Up of Unconsidered Trifles" THE SPINNING OF THE STRANDS. 17. Péronne 18. Beauvais THE WEAVING OF THE WEB 19. The Germans 20. The English 21. The Swiss THE GATHERING IN 22. The Burgundian Inheritance 23. The Italian Question 24. Ruler and Realm 25. The Last Withdrawal Epilogue Appendices, Genealogical Table, Rulers and Principal Lords APPENDIX I: The Reliability of Philippe de Commynes APPENDIX II: The Speed of Transmission of News to Louis XI APPENDIX III: The Dating of Louis XI's First Attack of Apoplexy THE HOUSE OF FRANCE RULERS AND PRINCIPAL LORDS NOTES Notes, Bibliography, Index BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX Maps PICARDY AND THE SOMME TOWNS GRANDSON AND MORAT. ISBN 9781842124116
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