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Sentinel of the Desert

 This is a young and hardy Saguaro cactus grown right here in Tucson, where the thickest forest of these 'Sentinels of the Desert' occur. This Saguaro was seed grown and is around 4-5 years old. Just like children, in the right environment, it is ready for a growth spurt. It is about 3 inches tall. See the photo with the dime next to it.
 A relative of mine has a potted Saguaro in her homes west facing window in central Ohio. It has been healthy and content for at least a dozen years. So given the appropriate care this plant could very possibly be handed down to your children and grandchildren as an heirloom. 
 A complete set of growing instructions and natural history facts for this is included. 
 There is callousing at this base (the light brown bark looking area). This is normal and a sign of a healthy plant. This Saguaro has been grown in a greenhouse with very bright, all day light. In nature these plants would be protected by a nurse tree which would shade it from predators and extreme sunlight hazardous to the young starters. Beware of plants offered for sale which are a sickly green and a bit elongated (known as etiolation). They have most likely been raised in less than ideal conditions. My Saguaros have met the stringent conditions required for survival in the desert minus the usual nurse plant. 
 You will be receiving THIS plant, I have catalogued it as '5555'.