All models marked COMPLETE come with necessary bits and a proper sized 10ed base.

34 Tactical Marines, COMPLETE, mostly generic, some space wolves

1 sergeant with plasma pistol and chain sword

2 marine with metal gun

4 marine with flamer

3 marine with rocket launcher

1 marine with heavy bolter (METAL)

1 marine with plasma cannon (METAL)

1 marine with heavy bolter (Metal)

10 marines with boltgun

3 sergeants with bolt pistol and chain sword

8 space wolves with melee/pistol combos

1 asst marine

2 NOS marines with boltgun

17 Assault marines with jumpacks, COMPLETE, mostly generic

1 sergeant with eviscerator

7 blue marines with melee/pistol combo

6 marines with melee/pistol combo

3 black Templar marines with melee/pistol

1 indomitus, Necron Warden

5+ chaos cultists, COMPLETE

5+ Kroors, 1 or 2 FW

2 Eldar Guardians

2 broken SM bikers