Rheinberg-Buch: Collecting (Vintage) Watches: Wristwatches, antique- and vintage pocket watches ~ Thomas M. Meine

Thomas M. Meine Collecting (Vintage) Watches: Wristwatches, antique- and vintage pocket watches 

Thomas M. Meine - Collecting (Vintage) Watches: Wristwatches, antique- and vintage pocket watches

Art Nr.: 3744894924

ISBN 13: 9783744894920

B-Nr: INF1001361686

SubTitle: Wristwatches, antique- and vintage pocket watches

Release Year: 2021

Published by: Bod – Books On Demand

Edition: paperback

Cover: paperback

Cover Format: 210x148x10

Pages: 148

Weight: 225 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Thomas M. Meine

Warengruppe: Hardcover/Ratgeber/Hobby, Haus/Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge

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The authors of this book are neither watchmakers nor specific watch specialists, just dedicated watch collectors.A book for the friends of watches and a guide for the collector or the possible collector-to-be, giving some advice and guidelines, certainly also expressing very subjective opinions.Specific subjects of interest from the multi-facetted mosaic of time, watches and watchmaking as a whole: collecting watches, watches and time, the quartz crisis, the revival of mechanic watches, clocking of watches and the corresponding amplitudes from the pendulum to the atomic clock, adjustment and regulation of a watch, time as a standard unit, changing of the time itself, technical features, magnetism and watches, radium contamination, watch dials, hallmarks, the 'gold rush', things to watch out for when collecting watches and more.Mechanical watches hand wind, mechanical watches automatic, electric watches, electronic watches, quartz controlled electric watches, tuning fork watches, quartz controlled tuning fork watches, quartz watches, watches - radio controlled by an atomic clock.Also including antique- and vintage pocket watches.Over 300 pictures (black and white) of original watches, tools, equipment and others.