  • TheRepairShop 

    Thu, May 2 at 2:22 PM

    Hello Robert Brown,

    Thank you for providing us the opportunity to service your instrument. Below, you will find an estimate containing the repair services . Please review the estimate and reply to this email at your earliest convenience to approve or decline the repair.

    (Costs below do not include any applicable taxes)

    If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this email, or contact your local Music & Arts store.

    Best Regards,

    The Repair Shop at Music & Arts


    Ticket# 5700920614

    Instrument: Gemeinhartd Closed Hole Flute Serial # h13060

    Description of Repair Service:
     Play Condition 1: Adjust and regulate pads and keys. Replace necessary key corks. Additional: Straighten bent keys.

    Parts: $10

    Labor: $125

    Total Amount: $135

    Estimated Weeks to Complete: 1-2