Walt Disney Cartoon

The two foolish little pigs escort Red Riding Hood on a short cut through the woods, against the advice of their bricklayer brother. When they encounter the wolf, Red runs ahead to granny's house and the pigs run home. The wolf gets to granny's house first and scares her into a closet, then dresses as granny. Alerted by his brothers, the smart pig arrives just as granny has pulled Red into the closet with her and takes care of the wolf with the help of some hot coals and popcorn

  Very good condition LPP low fade print with no splices. Has a thin green line for a minute or so.
Very loud and clear optical sound. Mounted on 400 ft. reel. Mylar stock (will never get vinegar).

***Pics shown taken off of projected image of this film***
U.S. Media Shipping $5. 
Canada Priority Shipping $30.
International Priority Shipping $40.

I buy 16mm & 35mm Collections.
Will pay cash. Will travel to pick up.