MICHAEL ALLEN HARRISON (2 DVD Set) 1 - Piano Solo Journey 2 - Reflections of Christmas. Magaurn Video Media.


Double DVD set


Michael Allen Harrison is an American

new-age musician, songwriter and pianist from Portland, Oregon. He started playing the piano at age six. Michael attended

Parkrose High School in northeast Portland.


Michael premiered his children's ballet "The Velveteen Rabbit" with the Vancouver Dance Theater in 1991. He also co-wrote the music for the musical "Prometheus", which was premiered in Portland, Oregon. Michael is the owner of MAH records, on which he has recorded and produced over 50 of his own albums within the 25-year-long lifespan of his career.


Michael takes you on a non-stop journey on both of these unique intimate performances. Invite Michael into your home for your own private concert experience. 


Two gently used DVDs in the original case.