“Pounds (as in English currency) may be limited, but taste is not” was a favorite motto of London milliner Mitzi Lorenz.

Mitzi Lorenz was apparently born in Vienna, Austria in March 1911 and became interested in a millinery career when she was 15 years old and apprenticed in a fashion house in Vienna.

With just one pound (English currency), Ms. Lorenz bought two hoods (from baxterhart.org/glossary: A Hood or Cone is the term used to describe a hat body in an almost Fez like shape, normally used for a brimless or small brimmed hat) , a hat block, and trimmings, to set herself up in the millinery business. The Lorenzes moved to England in 1936 and began their millinery enterprise in 1938. They lived in a flat above their hat shop on Great Portland Street. The Mitzi Lorenz business flourished and became a millinery empire that trained and employed a number of England’s renowned milliners, such as Frederick Fox.

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