Introducing Alpha Brain - the ultimate cognitive enhancer designed to unlock your brain's full potential and supercharge your mental performance. Packed with a powerful blend of scientifically-backed ingredients, Alpha Brain is your secret weapon for laser-sharp focus, enhanced memory, and peak cognitive function.

Cat's Claw, Vitamin B6, and Pterostilbene work synergistically to support brain health, boosting neural communication and promoting optimal cognitive function. Bacopa Monnieri, known for its centuries-old use in traditional medicine, enhances memory retention and cognitive processing speed, giving you the mental edge you need to excel in every aspect of life.

L-Tyrosine fuels your brain with the building blocks it needs to produce neurotransmitters essential for mood regulation and cognitive clarity, ensuring you stay sharp and focused even during the most demanding tasks. Huperzine A further enhances memory and learning capacity by inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter crucial for cognitive function.

Magnesium L-Threonate and L-Theanine promote relaxation and stress relief, allowing you to maintain a calm and clear mind under pressure. Phosphatidylserine supports brain cell membrane function, aiding in neural signaling and cognitive processing, while Alpha GPC and L-Leucine provide additional support for neurotransmitter synthesis and brain cell health.

With Alpha Brain, you'll experience unparalleled mental clarity, enhanced focus, and improved cognitive performance, empowering you to tackle challenges with confidence and achieve your goals with ease. Elevate your mind to new heights with Alpha Brain - the ultimate cognitive enhancer for peak mental performance.


Vitamin B6  (as pyridoxine HCL)  10mg

Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa)  bark extract  350mg

Pterostilbene    50mg

Magnesium l threonate (magtein) 144mg

Proprietary Focus Blend 450mg


Alpha GPC




Bacopa monnieri   100mg

Toothed Clubmoss (Huperzia serrata) standardised to 1% Huperzine A, 400mcg