****WOULD make a great gift for someone of the age requirement ****

****THIS IS A SET OF EDUCATIONAL TOYS, package of 3 wrapped and sealed, never opened *****

****Toysmith, Item #4652WM, Assortment #1 ****

——- If bought separately, will spend more than this set!!——-

Explore the wonders of science with this KidzLabs set of three educational toys. The Kitchen Science kit will introduce you to the exciting world of chemistry, while the Table Top Robot will teach you basic engineering skills. The Doodling Robot will inspire your creativity and imagination. Each toy is designed for children aged 8 and up, and is the perfect gift for any young aspiring scientist or engineer. The set includes Item #4652WM and Assortment #1, and is made in China. Let your child discover the magic of science with this awesome set!