Cherry Falls DVD only No Blu-ray Copy included 101 Films Brittany Murphy Michael Biehn

***Please Note DVD only Copy - No Blu-ray Included***

Excellent  condition - usual UK/European PAL Region 2 DVD - Please note there is No Blu-ray copy enclosed, although it is presented in the Dual Format 101 Films Release - 2000 movie of a 2017 DVD release - 87 minutes

Product Description

A serial killer is stalking the peaceful town of Cherry Falls. At first it seems that he is just targeting teenagers, but after the third killing it becomes clear that all the victims have been virgins. When the town's students hear about this they realise that there is only one way to protect themselves and begin planning a 'meet and mate' party where they will all lose their virginities together. Meanwhile, Jodi (Brittany Murphy), the virtuous daughter of the town's sheriff (Michael Biehn), decides to take matters into her own hands and trap the killer herself.

Extras; Cast & Production Interviews - Director's Commentary - Documentary The Untold Story


The 101 Films blu-ray transfer is really terrific, especially considering it's a mostly forgotten cult slasher from 20 years ago. It looks better than a lot of brand new releases, frankly.

The film, while clearly influenced by Scream, slowly shows its own subversive steak and is often very funny. I refer to it as a kind of punk remix of Scream (most of the kids dress in black). The sexual politics seem rather dated now but if you accept the film for what it is - a tongue in cheek slasher movie - then it's a lot of fun, with a still on-the-rise Brittany Murphy making a great leading lady.

Not the best slasher movie ever made but certainly not the worst. There's a much harder cut that Geoffrey Wright claims the studio has 'misplaced' which would be interesting to see but for now this 101 release is the best version to purchase.

The Plot In the small town of Cherry Falls a psycho killer is killing virgin teenagers and when the high school students find this out they decide to go all out and have an orgy but will that save them.

A slasher movie with an interesting but stupid twist instead of the virgins being the safe one the killer is offing them instead. Coming out in the trend of the slasher come back of the late nineties through to the naughty's, Cherry Falls follows in that vibe showing at that of the start of a new millennium the year 2000 the makers takes a twist on all of those clichéd slasher movies and offers something slightly different.

I loved the small town vibe with its odd characters and its skeletons in the closet. Something off's in this town. also loved the mystery element centering around the Sheriff and the high school head master.

The acting, Brittany Murphy looks and feels like a real teenager with charisma to boot, It's always a pleasure to see Michael Biehn (Brent) in a good movie, I love the man and hope he keeps on taking good roles like this one, Biehn is fantastic ages like a fine wine, Gabriel Mann (Kenny)? looks old and can't act, Jay Mohr (Leonard) does fine in his small role as the likable and understanding hip teacher, Candy Clark (Mandy) gives an odd but very interesting performance and Jesse Bradford a great actor as always and he should be on the a-list by now and get better movie parts than victim #1, he should have had a bigger role he would have been better as the boyfriend part.

All in all Cherry Falls is a good entry to the Slasher genre with a modern twist story line helped along with slick acting.